silverfox easter eggs

That mention in the gallery page got you curious, right? Or maybe you found one already and wonder if there are more... Well, you read it right. There are a few Silverfox Easter eggs baked in somewhere. And no, these are not Thorium-style Easter eggs.

While it would be cooler if you found all of these randomly, you can spoil yourself by seeing a full list of them here. Spoilers ahead (duh)...

Silverfox Easter Eggs

Inside Silverfox:

In about:config - Firefox's description becomes: "If you see this, stream First Love album by Hikaru Utada !" - Great album, bangers all around. Maybe a few are good gym songs too.

In about:mozilla - Firefox's Book of Mozilla becomes: "I said, better late then never, better late than never !" - Rich Amiri (not a user of Silverfox) - This easter egg is a reference to people patiently waiting on Silverfox Open Beta. Oh yeah this goes hard in the gym.

In about:addons - Advanced Settings has a Hmmm you're not supposed to be here text with a image - Cute guy right?

In Settings > Sync - If you are logged in to an Mozilla account for syncing, after your email you will see: "Proud Silverfox user".

Typing about:intro - Will go to a 2011 video called "Intro - Silverfox #1" with a silver Firefox logo. I haven't made this, this person somehow predicted Silverfox, 12 years ago.

Only on April 1st - A new Hamburger/Wrench menu item will show called: Relaunch Chrome in Windows 8 Mode. When selecting the menu item, it will go to a fake Windows 8 style BSOD page, a fake Mac OS X Mountain Lion kernel panic page or a fake Linux Mint kernel panic page, depending on the OS.

Silverfox website:

On all pages - Clicking on Silverfox or Silverfox Beta logo once will switch the logo to Silverfox logo. Clicking again will turn it back to Chrome's logo.

During Closed Beta - Trying to access Silverfox's Closed Beta page (now removed) on anything other than Firefox 115ESR would redirect to "Stranger" by Jhene Aiko. Great late night drive song.

In Credits page - Clicking on the image once will switch it to a Chromium style. Clicking again will turn it back to normal. Closed beta members have a "More" funny remark.

On all pages - Visiting the site on any version of Internet Explorer or Pale Moon will redirect to "Really Man?" page. This page is a reference to nVidia's message for Internet Explorer 6 users.

Other florin's revivals websites:

BingBingGo, Windows Live Revival and Florin's Web Corner - Typing "silverfox" anywhere will redirect to Silverfox site.